We'd encourage as many members of the club to attend the meeting to discuss the club's current position and our ambitions for the 12 months, both on and off the field. Various topics will be discussed, including reports from our Club Captain, Treasurer and President as well as the reelection of office bearers for the next year.
The Club's Committee have proposed changes to the Club's constitution ahead of the AGM next week. Members should have received an email at the beginning of January, containing the new proposed constitution. This is also available on the club's Pitchero website (you'll have to log in to read this) or a hard copy is on the noticeboard within the club. Please take the opportunity to read the proposed changes and come to the AGM next week to give your vote for the upcoming year.
2025 has a lot to offer the club so please try to attend the AGM on Tuesday 4th February, starting 7 PM at the club!